Monday, January 31, 2011

when you believe

It was around June when my mother first had her chemotherapy session. Probably due to her scared mind and weak body, she suffered during that first one. We had to rush her to the hospital some days after that. She was so afraid then; so were we.

This week, my mother will have her 8th and last chemo. The chemos in between were also physically hard for her, the anxiety and fear never really left her, but she faced them with more resolve and courage.

My father was instrumental that she reached this point. He has always, always, been there for her. He would understand her tantrums and cries of desperation and paranoia when most of us would lose patience. He would memorize all her medicines and their dosages and administration. He seemed like an expert in cancer already. He is a natural in taking care of people and perfectly fit for those healthcare industry jobs, at least for my mom's needs. He disregarded, well, postponed, his own health concerns just to take care of her.

Now, my mother's a little more hopeful with her condition. I am very positive she'll live a long life after this ordeal. I guess things happen when you believe.


eks said...

"there can be miracles, when you believe..."

she will be much, much better later on. she'll live a long life. we are praying for her and hoping everything would be alright. soon. :-)

docgelo said...

apparently, i know and understand how difficult it is to go through the pains of having big C.
but the Lord is great, He gave your mom a husband and a family who obviously from your post, care for her beyond anything else.

i always have people who are physically and emotionally burdened in my prayers; your mom included.

Keep the faith!

Kayni said...

my prayers and hugs to your home. may she fully and speedily recover.